True North is a fixed geographical location. The North Star is located in the direction of True North and can help orient oneself to find the way home.

In the KonMari™ Method, creating a vision for our future space and lifestyle is our North Star that guides us toward our True North. Guiding us to our new home and cultivating inner peace in the process.

One of the many joys of using this method is establishing a home for each of your items so straightening up will be done swifltly and quickly moving forward. When each item has a fixed location it is easy to return to a joy sparking environment.

Konmari™ Method

KonMari Method is a combination of the creators first and last name - Marie Kondo. The premise of her method is to tidy by category and to only keep items that truly spark joy in your life and learn to let go with gratitude. All of our belongings can be defined in 5 categories: Clothing, Books, Papers, Komono (Japanese for Miscellaneous), Sentimental.

Working with a certified KonMari consultant throughout the process is the best way to remain focused and stay accountable to completing this life changing pursuit. By creating a vision of our ideal lifestyle and by honing our decision making skills we will discover what truly sparks joy in our life.